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C. Experiment With Different Ad Formats You

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 10:26 am
by zihadhosenjm55
C. Experiment With Different Ad Formats
You won’t know what works and what doesn’t unless you test it out. Even if your Carousel ads are already working well, a video ad might work even better. Experiment with the different ad formats available and see which one works best for your audience.

D. Always add a CTA
Your CTA matters because it increases the chance of your audience guatemala telegram action when they see your post. Without a CTA, the viewers might not know what to do next or what step they should take. They would just scroll over and move on.

By having a great CTA in your ads, it will be easier to convince your audience to take the action that aligns with your objectives.

E. Ensure that your creatives are high-quality
Having a striking and engaging creative is key to having a successful ad campaign. Here are some tips on how to improve the effectiveness of your creatives:

Use high-definition images for your ads and videos, not blurry or pixelated ones.
Use striking thumbnails. Use attractive and colorful visuals to get your audience’s attention.
Write concise but powerful captions. People take just 0.4 seconds to scan an ad on mobile, and 2-3 secs on desktop. Make sure your captions are short but attention-grabbing.
Use shorter videos over longer ones. With people’s dwindling attention span, shorter videos are proven to work better. Your ad should be 15 seconds or less to ensure that people will watch your ad all the way through.
Most people watch an ad with the sound off. Take that into consideration when creating a video ad, and make sure that your ad still makes sense even without sounds.
Optimize for mobile. Most people use smartphones, so we suggest using more vertical or square aspect ratio creatives over horizontal ones. This will ensure that your creatives will still look good even when viewed through a mobile device.