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Pitfalls and risks in clothing customization

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:37 am
by Maksudasm
Hidden difficulties and possible threats to such work:

Great competition. This point is especially relevant in cities. The market can be overflowing with offers from both studios and online services. Serious marketing will be required to bypass competitors and conquer your niche.

High cost of clothing customization. The costs may not pay off, especially with complex design interventions.

Demand instability. The number of orders may experience ups and downs depending on the season and other circumstances.

Manufacturing errors, bad decisions, defects. Sometimes the result of clothing customization does not meet the customer's expectations. This can affect your reputation.

Poor quality of materials, failure chinese malaysia phone number list to meet deadlines. Such situations should be avoided in order not to lose reputation.

Inventory management. This is a very important point, although beginners do not think so. With large volumes of work, you must know exactly your resources and capabilities.

Copyright, legal issues. Be sure to find out whether the use of famous logos and other elements does not constitute a violation of copyright.

Technical risks. No one is immune from damage to fabric or materials due to accident or inexperience. Write down in the company rules an algorithm of actions for this case.

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Customization in the IT sphere
Unlike clothing and footwear, digital technology customization is a completely different area of ​​product customization. Individualization of the same sneakers concerns only their appearance.

Customization turns simple things into unique ones. The seller uses this opportunity. The customer's willingness to pay for exclusivity makes it possible to sell at a high price. In retail, a customized product can become a real unique selling proposition (USP).

IT products are a completely different matter. Customization here does not affect the appearance or design of products, but concerns only the ease of use. Of course, you may like the program interface or not. But these nuances - color, picture, menu location - cannot be 100% individualized. Therefore, customization is mainly done in terms of functionality. Thus, the 1-C accounting program offers a special set of tools for companies of different specializations and production scales. These nuances meet the needs of many clients, but are based on a single program.

Customization in IT


Examples of customization in IT:

Software. Customization at the customer's request involves adapting the software for personal use or for the company's work. There is a sufficient choice of software packages from scratch. They are selected depending on the user's needs. These can be information systems, equipment management programs, security systems, databases, and so on.

The manufacturer strives to ensure that the interface is logical and convenient. As a rule, the aesthetic side of the design is also thought out.

Websites are an unlimited space for creative and functional refinement. This is the number one product for customization.

Online stores. They are more convenient in a standard, familiar, universal form. But the product they offer is a true object of customization. For personal reworking of the product, online constructors are built into the online store platform.

So, customization is possible not only in clothes, shoes, furniture, ordering ready meals, service. In the field of digital technologies, it is also acceptable, sometimes even necessary. One of the advantages of civilization is the opportunity to get a thing or program that suits you best.

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