If your product doesn't satisfy all of them, it won't be worth buying in the eyes of your potential customers. The “everything now” philosophy is also and above all valid when it comes to achieving one’s goals, you know. Your customers are no different. Therefore, a checklist in which we map out everything needed to solve your target audience's problem is ideal for making your product damn attractive . Let's go in order: Outline everything your target audience needs to do to achieve their goal or solve their problem. For example, let's say your audience wants to lose weight.
In reality, what he needs help “losing weight” . The goal is divided australia consumer mobile number list into other sub-goals to be covered: buy healthy food, cook it well, resist unhealthy food, choose an efficient gym, go to the gym, choose suitable exercises, train regularly, prevent injuries, etc. Be thorough, you don't want to miss anything, so you only do it once.
” Think of a solution for every difficulty. The question you should ask yourself here is: “ What should I show someone to solve this difficulty of theirs?” . So, you turn every difficulty into a solution-oriented angle, like this: “I don’t know what to buy” → How to make shopping for healthy food easy and fun; “It will be expensive compared to usual food” : How to buy healthy food without spending more; “It Won’t Be as Tasty as I Like It” : How to Cook Healthy Food Without Giving Up on Taste; “My Family Won’t Like This New Diet” : How to Cook Healthy Food Your Kids Will Love; “It will take a long time to prepare” : How to buy and cook healthy foods in a flash; “I travel too much, I won’t be able to cope” → How to easily get healthy food on every trip.
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