Offer <offers>

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Offer <offers>

Post by Maksudasm »

The <offers> element contains data on all products presented in the store. Each item is described by a separate nested <offer> element.

For product management files, <offer> elements should include product characteristics (name, description, manufacturer), and for files specifying placement parameters, information about prices, discounts, availability, etc.

In <shop>, you need to add the id attribute, which specifies the personal identifier of the product (SKU). The role of SKU is often played by the article. SKU should contain no more than 80 characters. It is allowed to use English and Russian (except ё) letters, numbers and symbols . , ? ( ) [ ] — =.

Categories <categories>
Used only in files that manage products. It chinese student data package is located inside the <shop> element. It is used to indicate product categories. For example, a T-shirt belongs to "Clothing", etc.

Online shopping


Categories are distinguished from each other by a unique identifier specified via the id attribute. It can contain up to 18 digits. There is also a parentId attribute that allows one category to be related to another (for example, "Women's clothing" to "Clothing").

In the file it looks like this:

<categories> <category id="1">
Pet Products
</category> <category id="2" parentId="1">Cats</category> <
category id="3" parentId="1">Dogs</category>
<category id="4">Cat Food </category>
<category id="5" parentId="4">Dry</category>
<category id="6">Harnesses and Equipment</category>
<category id="7">Toys</category>



Delivery options <delivery‑options>
This element is required if the file controls the placement. It characterizes the delivery process. Individual parameters are specified through the <options> elements. The file can contain 5 <options>, each of which defines a specific delivery option. The following attributes are used to specify the delivery parameters:

cost – this attribute is needed for control, it does not contain any information and is not displayed in the product card. Here it is enough to enter any integer.

days – this attribute specifies the number of days required for delivery. It has values ​​from 0 (delivery on the same day) to 60. Without this attribute, the product will not be available through the catalog – Yandex always requires that the delivery time be specified.

order - before – an optional attribute for specifying the hour after which the order will be processed the next day. Integer numbers from 0 to 24 are allowed here. If this parameter is missing, the service will consider it equal to 13.

If you don't understand anything, don't worry. Here's an example YML file to explain:

<option cost="123" days="7" order‑before="15"/>
<option cost="123" days="3" order‑before="12"/>
</delivery ‑options>



So we described two delivery methods. In the first case, you need to order the goods before 15:00, so that they are sent before the end of the day, and the transportation takes 7 working days, and in the second case, you need to make the purchase before 12:00, and the transportation will take 3 days.

The <delivery-options> element can be part of <shop>, in which case it includes the delivery options for the entire store. If it is part of <offer>, it is tied to a single product.

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