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What does TTL advertising mean?

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:37 am
by Maksudasm
In modern marketing, another type of advertising is often distinguished, known as TTL (through the line) . This method of promotion combines elements of both ATL and BTL advertising, often using complex promotions.

Let's take a specific example of the chocolate manufacturer TOBLERONE. The campaign was based on the features of the product's shape: the chocolate is made in the form of a triangle. The organization used both ATL and BTL advertising.

ATL advertising included placing TOBLERONE marketing ads in various publications and as outdoor advertising, where various objects were depicted with triangular elements instead of the usual round ones. For example, depicting a bicycle with triangular wheels, sharp turns in the shape of a triangle, and so on. The campaign had an ironic slogan: "It's a good thing we didn't invent all the things."

Defining the objectives of the event


At the same time, TOBLERONE promoters dentist data package appeared at bicycle parking lots and other busy places in the city, riding bicycles with triangular wheels. This attracted the attention of passers-by and the media. People were invited to take part in a competition. Participants tried to ride a strange bicycle and received a package of TOBLERONE chocolates as a reward. All these are bright examples of BTL advertising.

Frequently asked questions about ATL and BTL advertising
Now you know what ATL and BTL advertising are.

ATL is a traditional form of advertising that has a one-sided (direct) impact on the consumer's consciousness without direct communication with the seller of the product, the manufacturer or the trading organization.

BTL advertising is aimed at establishing closer relationships with the consumer. This approach includes dialogue and feedback. In this case, the buyer's interest and involvement in communication with the product and brand is necessary.

Below are answers to frequently asked questions about ATL and BTL advertising.

What Advertising Strategy Should You Choose for Your Small Business?
For large companies, both ATL and BTL advertising are available. However, young businesses often cannot afford the high costs of ATL. In such cases, a step-by-step strategy is suitable. Within this approach, it is necessary to invest in BTL in stages. Different BTL advertising methods allow you to cover several segments of the target audience. After the brand has reached the necessary level of recognition, you can begin to combine BTL with some types of ATL marketing. For example, inform new customers via the Internet.

It is recommended to use both approaches simultaneously. Otherwise, you may lose some customers and income.