The key to talking about speed optimization

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The key to talking about speed optimization

Post by phonenumber »

Voice: A framework for estimating how much effort to devote to voice in your search strategy. One of his 3 conclusions? Don't invest without proof. No one does. Hannah Thorpe - SEO Without Traffic In Hannah's opinion (as well as Rand Fishkin's - from the Q&A at BrightonSEO) we live in a "brand demand generation".

The brand is a ranking factor, which you absolutely must focus on to be a few steps ahead of the competition. Your brand must be easily searchable, useful, known and linked. Hannah Thorpe – SEO without trafficHannah Thorpe - BrightonSEO, September 2018 Google needs to know your brand too.

Talk about it, search for it advantages of our nurse data and finally choose it. Google needs to see that you are the preferred brand, how you stand out from your competitors and why customers choose you.

Looking at what your competitors are doing is very important We don't know what will happen to SEO in a few years. We know it will change and it will be different, but not how. SEO is in its infancy.
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