Increasing the budget for video production is a decision that often causes certain difficulties for businesses. Many do not want to spend significant amounts on renting equipment for filming, the cost of which ranges from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. Therefore, managers often try to save on content preparation and the process of video production.
Video production budget
However, if you create scripts chinese overseas british data package in advance, work with professional actors, use high-quality equipment and carefully develop the content, then each video created can bring in a profit of 5 to 10 million rubles. Therefore, the share of marketing funding for video production should be approximately 1-2% of the company's turnover.
High-quality video content can significantly increase profitability. Therefore, saving will negatively affect the business.
Business trends in digital technologies
The following trends are expected in this direction:
Digital twins
Digital twins (DT) are one of the most important business trends in Russia. They have been used in industry and logistics for a long time. According to the Technet Association, about 250 leading companies in the country plan to implement this technology by 2024. This innovation is used in various fields, such as mechanical engineering, aircraft manufacturing, resource extraction and processing, transport and retail.
The technology of the DS enables the modeling of production scenarios to optimize technological processes, reduce the probability of failures and prevent accidents. In the example of one of the oil refineries in Europe, you can see how the predictive analytics system from Schneider Electric was able to predict a possible compressor failure 25 days before it occurred, which saved millions of dollars.
According to a McKinsey study, the use of digital twins in logistics and warehouse facilities can reduce capital expenditures by 10% and operating expenses by 30%.
Digital models of deposits are widely used in the oil and gas industry, while in metallurgy and chemical industries this technology helps reduce risks for workers and improve their efficiency. Digital models play a key role in optimizing technological processes, forecasting the condition of equipment and providing predictive analytics. Russian construction companies actively use BIM technology. This is a digital model of a building, which, although not a direct digital twin, can serve as its basis.
The central data are widely used in the creation of "smart" seaports, where they help solve problems related to planning and optimizing capacity utilization. The central data also help increase the accuracy of planning operations on a shift-daily basis and calculating port capacity. This approach simplifies the process of making management decisions, increases daily transshipment volumes and revenue, and helps to identify prospects for further development and expansion of the business.
Cash flow
An example of a technological solution based on digital twins was the Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port, which in 2023 presented new IT developments, including the use of digital twin technology.
Here are some more examples:
At the end of 2023, a digital twin of the M-11 “Neva” highway, which is currently used for commercial transportation by trucks, will be launched.
The AiLine platform, developed by Softline Digital, ensures the rapid creation and implementation of digital data for industrial enterprises.
Norilsk Nickel is developing an engineering and digital model of the Kola MMC. The building structures and landscape of the company's industrial zone are displayed in 3D format.
Gazprom Neft has successfully completed the project to create a digital twin of the A. Zhagrin field.