Financial responsibility and integrity
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:55 am
This case allows us to find out whether the candidate is capable of acting honestly and thoughtfully.
Situation: The head of the secretariat needs to organize the purchase of office supplies. He selected two suppliers that met the criteria, but one of the companies offered a brokerage fee for the deal. The manager accepted the offer, and the incentive was received for three shipments. However, the goods in the second shipment turned out to be of poor quality. What should he do in this situation?
The correct answer is that the person in charge needs to understand what wrong decisions lead to, otherwise it is easy to undermine their authority and even lose their position.
You can imagine different chinese overseas europe data package situations, but the good thing about this method is that it is based on real precedents.
Download a useful document on the topic:
Checklist: How to Achieve Your Goals in Negotiations with Clients
Mistakes made during assessment
To put oneself on display
The desire to stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of experts often has the opposite effect - they get the impression that it is important for an employee not to achieve success, but to gain fame.
To be hypocritical and try to pass yourself off as a professional
Never pretend to have qualities that you think are valuable to the company but don't actually possess. On the one hand, observers will notice your insincerity and inconsistency, and on the other hand, this will prevent you from showing your true qualities that form a positive opinion of you.
Distort facts and take credit for imaginary achievements
Sometimes during an interview, a participant tells an interesting story about himself, which, however, actually happened to his friend, relative or another person. Do not take credit for someone else's achievements, instead try to present real facts. Experts can uncover your deception if they ask for details or ask a tricky question.
Distortion of facts
Show hostility towards competitors
You cannot view other assessment participants as your opponents, even if you are entering into open competition. Identify those who make a good impression on you, get to know them better, talk to them, and keep in touch in the future. Successful contacts can be even more beneficial than getting a job at a certain company.
Conflict with teammates
If the assessment involves team competitions, participate in group problem solving, do not engage in heated discussions, even if you believe your position is correct. If possible, speak convincingly, clearly state your thoughts, and be tolerant. This way, you will earn the approval of not only the team, but also the observers.
Go into the shadows and keep quiet
During assessments, modest people often feel confused. The main task is to overcome self-doubt and assert yourself so that the experts will notice you. You should not constantly speak and talk louder than others, but you should not be shy and hide either. It is advisable to take the initiative, maintain communication and offer your own solutions.
Hide information about yourself
Sometimes assessment participants are haunted by the thought that any of their remarks can be misinterpreted. At the same time, it is important to remember that silence can also worsen the final assessment, since observers, in the absence of a clear picture, can turn on their imagination. At the same time, it is not recommended to form an image of yourself as an impeccable specialist; it is better to truthfully tell about all your weaknesses. There are a variety of options for how to present your negative qualities favorably and make an adequate impression.
Carrying out a task carelessly
Often, applicants deviate from the topic during the assessment, are late, or do not complete all the work. You should carefully delve into the text of the task, understand what the result should look like, and make efforts to complete the tasks set before you. Since the ability to act in real business conditions is tested here, you should treat the content of the task as instructions from your superiors.
Situation: The head of the secretariat needs to organize the purchase of office supplies. He selected two suppliers that met the criteria, but one of the companies offered a brokerage fee for the deal. The manager accepted the offer, and the incentive was received for three shipments. However, the goods in the second shipment turned out to be of poor quality. What should he do in this situation?
The correct answer is that the person in charge needs to understand what wrong decisions lead to, otherwise it is easy to undermine their authority and even lose their position.
You can imagine different chinese overseas europe data package situations, but the good thing about this method is that it is based on real precedents.
Download a useful document on the topic:
Checklist: How to Achieve Your Goals in Negotiations with Clients
Mistakes made during assessment
To put oneself on display
The desire to stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of experts often has the opposite effect - they get the impression that it is important for an employee not to achieve success, but to gain fame.
To be hypocritical and try to pass yourself off as a professional
Never pretend to have qualities that you think are valuable to the company but don't actually possess. On the one hand, observers will notice your insincerity and inconsistency, and on the other hand, this will prevent you from showing your true qualities that form a positive opinion of you.
Distort facts and take credit for imaginary achievements
Sometimes during an interview, a participant tells an interesting story about himself, which, however, actually happened to his friend, relative or another person. Do not take credit for someone else's achievements, instead try to present real facts. Experts can uncover your deception if they ask for details or ask a tricky question.
Distortion of facts
Show hostility towards competitors
You cannot view other assessment participants as your opponents, even if you are entering into open competition. Identify those who make a good impression on you, get to know them better, talk to them, and keep in touch in the future. Successful contacts can be even more beneficial than getting a job at a certain company.
Conflict with teammates
If the assessment involves team competitions, participate in group problem solving, do not engage in heated discussions, even if you believe your position is correct. If possible, speak convincingly, clearly state your thoughts, and be tolerant. This way, you will earn the approval of not only the team, but also the observers.
Go into the shadows and keep quiet
During assessments, modest people often feel confused. The main task is to overcome self-doubt and assert yourself so that the experts will notice you. You should not constantly speak and talk louder than others, but you should not be shy and hide either. It is advisable to take the initiative, maintain communication and offer your own solutions.
Hide information about yourself
Sometimes assessment participants are haunted by the thought that any of their remarks can be misinterpreted. At the same time, it is important to remember that silence can also worsen the final assessment, since observers, in the absence of a clear picture, can turn on their imagination. At the same time, it is not recommended to form an image of yourself as an impeccable specialist; it is better to truthfully tell about all your weaknesses. There are a variety of options for how to present your negative qualities favorably and make an adequate impression.
Carrying out a task carelessly
Often, applicants deviate from the topic during the assessment, are late, or do not complete all the work. You should carefully delve into the text of the task, understand what the result should look like, and make efforts to complete the tasks set before you. Since the ability to act in real business conditions is tested here, you should treat the content of the task as instructions from your superiors.