Frequently Asked Questions about Marketing Communications

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Frequently Asked Questions about Marketing Communications

Post by Maksudasm »

In a world with highly sensitive media, a communication failure can cause a lot of problems. Recovery will require significant effort and time. Therefore, it is important to create a single message, maintain its consistency, understand the needs of the target audience and master a variety of channels and tools.

What are the advantages of integrated marketing communications?
Information about a brand and its product may differ across different messages. If contradictions are found, this creates a negative impression of the company.

To avoid this, it is useful to apply the concept of integrated marketing communications (IMC). This is the development of a coordinated strategy based on the company's positioning. The brand communicates with different segments of its target audience, providing them with a uniform message.

This approach increases the student data package effectiveness of the promotional mix. Coordinated messages look integral and convincing. Various marketing communications tools do not conflict with each other, but complement and reinforce each other, which creates a synergistic effect.

Why is it important to keep your marketing communications up to date?
Interaction with the public can have both positive and negative effects on a company. Examples include Reebok’s collaboration with Zalina Marshenkulova on the “Stop the Needle of Male Approval” project, or Apple’s decision to remove the charger from the iPhone as part of its stated goal of protecting the environment. In both cases, it did more harm than good to the companies.

To avoid such negative consequences, it is necessary to ensure that marketing communications are relevant. Before posting a message, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

Product or service availability. Make sure you have the exact product or service you are posting about in stock.

Relevance of information. Check that the information provided is up-to-date and that the prices correspond to those indicated in the advertisement.

Reputation: Make sure that the information in the message does not damage the company's reputation.

Lack of skepticism. Make sure the message is clear and does not conflict with recent negative events.

Ability to deliver on promises. It is also important to make sure that the service is able to deliver everything that is advertised.
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