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Then tell us what you think

Post by siam00 »

Does my website use cookies?
If you want to know if your website ( or others ) uses cookies on your browser, here are the steps ( Chrome ).

Settings - Google
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Go to settings and click on " Show advanced options ". In the section "Privacy", click on " Content settings ". A new window will appear with options for saving Cookies. Don't touch anything yet, but click on " Cookies and site data ...".

The new window that will appear will allow you to australian whatsapp number search your sites, or select one of them to view the Cookies used.

cookie-google-chrome - cookies and WordPress
In this window you can also delete Cookies.


Why do we need WordPress cookies
WordPress does not use cookies by default. It behaves the same regardless of the visitor. However, it does store cookies to save user authentication data.

By default, WordPress does not provide you with the ability to retrieve user data to improve their user experience. It is important to note that WordPress itself does not retain sessions, but once certain plugins or themes are activated they can.

How to handle WordPress cookies
We will add some code to handle cookies. Here is exactly what we will do:
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