In times of crisis, online advertising is one of the revenue streams that can keep social networks profitable, but fortunately, it is not the only one, as we have seen. Thus, we believe that advertising should not be seen as the “savior.” Once again, we insist that an important aspect of social networks is that they base their business model on different revenue streams, so that they tend to balance and evolve over time.
For companies and advertising agencies, Viadeo bc data brazil believes that there are two essential points to consider in these times of crisis: a) Make sure you have a social media strategy. Know what this strategy is and what it is for and make sure it is well focused on the business. b) Invest in actions that are easily measurable and analysable. This includes, of course, direct marketing actions on social networks that are able to effectively segment their users based on keywords or behaviour. It may not be a solution to the crisis, but it certainly represents a valid system for measuring the ROI of marketing actions that does not exist in traditional media.