6 reasons why a startup should do email marketing

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6 reasons why a startup should do email marketing

Post by Dimaeiya333 »

Every startup should start with an email marketing strategy early on. This will allow them to create and strengthen personalized relationships with their customers from the first contact and gain experience when the data increases. Let's analyze why a startup should start an email strategy today.

1. Take advantage of the traffic generated from the first moment
In any business, taking advantage of the traffic generated, regardless of the volume, is the basis for developing future marketing strategies. These first prospects require the necessary information that will lead them to become loyal customers, those that your Startup needs to position itself.

Therefore, your company's digital marketing campaign should start on the right foot, optimizing the sending of emails to each prospect, to invite them to learn more about your offer. Over time, the number of them will multiply exponentially, as long as the correct techniques are applied.

Email Marketing for Startups

2. First purchase offers
Something that will always attract the attention of your first customers is the possibility of purchasing a product at a lower price. This is an excellent technique that you can take advantage of for your email marketing campaigns.

Discount coupons and percentage offers are the most effective techniques. However, make sure that all these discounts are authentic, that is, avoid making the following mistakes:

Increase the price of products and then offer discounts
Offering excessive discounts that generate distrust

3. Invite prospects to learn about your offer
The what, how and when you will communicate the news is part of your brand's czech republic mobile phone number list personality, so consider the following aspects:

After knowing everything about your buyer persona, you should frequently inform them about new products, services and content that you know they are interested in.
Inform them via email about products similar or complementary to those they purchased that may be of interest to them.
Provide you with all the information you need about shipping options and associated costs.
Any other type of start-of-season promotion.

4. Increase visibility
This means promoting the brand beyond the regular commercial offer or the traditionally used media. You can achieve this by:

– Increasing traffic to the corporate blog : success stories included in this medium are an ideal way to reach new audiences. From the beginning of a brand, it is advisable to have an active corporate blog on your site, to capture all those aspects that will help you create your universe, such as your values, mission, initial anecdotes, stories from your first clients and ideas for use directly related to the products.

– Promoting events: all events related to your company should be communicated through your email campaigns. First of all, select who you will send it to, depending on the type of event. These can be Webinars, free courses, eBooks, or events held at the company’s physical facilities.
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