2 way: use special attributes (Async / Defer) and fetch the script when resources become available. Once the script is received and loaded, HTML parsing is paused for the duration of the script execution. The defer attribute signals the browser to defer JavaScript execution until HTML parsing is complete. Both methods are relatively easy to implement and help reduce the time it takes the browser to parse HTML (the first step in rendering a page) without changing the way the page loads content.
Asynchrony and deferral are good solutions for the "extra stuff" on your site list of cayman islands whatsapp phone numbers (social media buttons, personalized sidebar, news feeds, etc.). These are important materials, but they can easily be loaded later. Method 3: Use a special code Remember that annoying JS warning that was blocking page rendering at the beginning of this section? Adding a JavaScript function with "onload" solves the problem once and for all.
The code (or script) for this was written by Patrick Sexton . This script uses the onload event to call the external resource "alert.js" only after all other page content has finished loading, removing it from the critical path. The first screenshot shows how the JavaScript onload event is used to call the notification function: And this screenshot shows that rendering of visual content was not blocked when the JavaScript onload event was used to call a function: This solution may be useful for the lowest priority resources (eg tracking site events for analytics, footer elements, etc), you may probably need a different solution.
The async attribute signals the browser to load JavaScript asynchronously
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