Frequently Asked Questions About Director Search

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Frequently Asked Questions About Director Search

Post by Maksudasm »

Finding a truly worthy, conscientious leader and a true specialist is a serious and responsible process that is of key importance for the future of the company.

Based on this, before starting the search, it is necessary to clearly define the goals and objectives, understand what needs need to be met, and how all this relates to the possibilities. This is what will determine the most effective places and methods for searching for a manager in your particular case.

What to do if the previous CEO has resigned and a new one has not yet been found?
The need for a CEO in a company is undeniable. The organization needs a person who will be at the helm, represent the company's interests in government agencies, sign the necessary documents and be responsible for the work. But how do you find that very director of an LLC?

One way out of this physician data package situation is to appoint acting directors (AD) from promising and reliable employees of the company, such as the financial or commercial directors, or one of the founders. That is, the personnel who can be accurately and without doubt temporarily appointed as acting general director. The relevant information must be entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. It is also necessary to issue special cards that will officially give the acting general director the right to sign.

Once a suitable candidate for the position of CEO is found, the current acting CEO can be appointed as a deputy. These official documents will in any case be useful in the future, for example, when the CEO is absent from work, the deputy will temporarily perform his duties.

How broad will the powers of the new CEO be?
There are not many options when it comes to the CEO's powers: either give him everything to manage, or entrust him with only a certain part, for example, the implementation of specific administrative issues. If the plan is to give the CEO control over the entire company, then such a director should have thoughts like: "This is my company," and also perform his work clearly and impeccably.

If the CEO is responsible for only a certain part of production, for example, to manage a branch, it is important that he is inclined to collectively resolve any issues and respect the owner. In other words, he must be an executive and obedient leader who knows how to manage and command, as well as to obey and obey.

Of course, you won't be able to completely influence such relationships, but you can always try to outline them. In this case, it is necessary to specify the rules and subsequently reflect them in the candidate's portrait. Let us remind you that it is compiled after you have clearly defined the specifics, features and level of development of the company, the psychotype of the leader you require and the isolation of his powers.

When submitting a portrait to a recruitment agency, it is necessary to briefly describe the specifics and focus of the company's activities, tasks and goals, resources, as well as a list of possible problems.

How to formalize employment relations with the director?
In order to properly hire a CEO, a general meeting should be organized and a final decision should be made. In this way, a contract can be drawn up and an order issued for hiring for a period previously specified in the adopted resolution.

If the founder is one person, it is sufficient to formalize the decision on his behalf.

Before concluding a contract, it is important to check the potential employee in the database of disqualified persons. If you find that the candidate has any restrictions and has the ability to occupy a leading position, you should not formalize an employment relationship with him under any circumstances, since violating this may result in a fine of up to one hundred thousand rubles (according to Article 14.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

But if all issues are settled, then an employment contract is drawn up and an order is created in the unified form T-1. It is also possible to conclude an agreement on non-disclosure of commercial secrets. Otherwise, the employment procedure is not p
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