As explained by Antoine Bayet, in his article for the Revue des médias , dark information is based on content that is in every way similar to traditional information, except that it has been distorted for a political, economic or societal purpose that is rarely explained. This would be the case, for example, of Livre Noir, a YouTube channel mainly devoted to conducting interviews with right-wing political figures , who went to Ukraine to investigate the migratory flows from the country and at the same time accuse the Ukrainian government of knowingly organizing a campaign of terror against its people.
This content, although contested, is nonetheless extremely romania phone number library viewed and shows how the actors of French disinformation try to manipulate opinion in the name of political considerations. Gender inequalities still present in the media – For International Women's Day, Arcom published its report on the representation of women on television and radio in collaboration with INA. For the first time, the INAFaceAnalyzer solution measured the time during which women's and men's faces appear and concluded that, despite the increase in the proportion of women present on air to 43% (+2%), women's speaking time (36%) remains lower than the presence rate.
In addition, the topics covered in the media remain gendered . Women are underrepresented in programs related to "Sport" (20%), while they are represented at 47% for "Magazines" and "Entertainment-games". The expert voice of women is also more or less solicited depending on the themes (16% for technology, 53% for justice). To address these inequalities, 47 audiovisual players have signed a dedicated non-binding charter which suggests, among other things, the establishment of quotas for women in all company positions, equal lists for candidates for a position and which proposes to consider solutions for paternity leave, the liberation of women's voice and the remuneration of experts.
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