In the list of suitable social networks for promotion, Telegram should definitely be mentioned. Now it has gone far beyond the scope of a regular messenger, and allows you to attract customers using channels, chats and bots. What should you do here? After creating a channel, it contains information about your company and its achievements. Of course, it is worth organizing your own chat to give subscribers the opportunity not only to express their opinions with likes, but also to send you messages and receive responses to them. This interaction scheme is considered universal.
Not everyone knows about the new mechanism for effectively engaging visitors in the sales funnel using a chatbot. It doesn't matter which social network you use. Just let them know about Telegram, where there are more interesting materials.
When a user connects to the benefit of using our student database a channel with basic information about you, they quietly subscribe to the bot. After subscribing, they see a pop-up message from the bot, where a valuable gift is offered as a thank you. A mini-survey is conducted to assign the client to the target audience category and find out which gift is suitable. This is how interaction is launched and the first contact with the future buyer is made.
The bot is then used to receive feedback and send relevant offers. Thus, with its help, you can increase user trust, conduct online sales or give useful recommendations to a future consumer, gradually setting them up to make a purchase. It is important that the chatbot allows for self-configuration - this way you will achieve the best result. Since with standard settings, users get tired of template messages, they can turn off notifications or leave the channel altogether.
Finally, Telegram allows you to join forces with channels of similar topics and organize joint promotion. If two communities have subscribers of the same category, you can make a deal - advertise each other in your publications. For example, an eyelash extension specialist and a manicurist can do this.
You might find it strange that YouTube is also featured in this review. It is clear that it was conceived as a platform for videos. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that this service ranks third in Russia in terms of the number of search queries after Yandex and Google. Now YouTube has all the prerequisites to become a real social network. Again, by analogy with Reels, it is now possible to publish short videos in YouTube Shorts.
The changes also affected the algorithms. If you can clearly and convincingly express your position, it is not difficult to successfully promote yourself through Shorts. In fact, YouTube uses the same algorithms as Google, which means they are the most advanced and accessible to any user. Now they can work with texts or audio and carefully select the target audience when making recommendations. As a result, a rapid increase in subscribers is ensured. Then they can advertise any other resource if you ask them to follow the specified link in the description under the video.
Information about the possible blocking of YouTube is periodically disseminated, but this is unlikely, since millions of people use it in our country, and there is no full-fledged replacement. RuTube does not claim this role yet.