Duties, rights and responsibilities of the CEO

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Duties, rights and responsibilities of the CEO

Post by Maksudasm »

The CEO may have different roles depending on the stage the business is in. Let's look at the main duties and rights of the CEO and his area of ​​responsibility.

Job responsibilities of CEO
acting as the main representative of the enterprise in interactions with business owners, shareholders, investors, customers, suppliers and local authorities;

development, approval and implementation of long- and short-term strategies, plans, goals;

distribution of company resources;

conducting negotiations with partners and suppliers, concluding new contracts;

identifying weak areas in the organization’s activities, determining the reasons for their occurrence and finding ways to eliminate them;

development of interaction how does cash app work schemes with company employees (KPI system, methods of reward and punishment, motivation tools);

quality control of the enterprise's production activities;

identification of existing problems, search for solutions to eliminate them;

organization of work activities of all departments and divisions of the company;

carrying out instructions from representatives of higher positions.

The rights that the CEO position in a company most often has
making decisions on promoting employees, dismissing and hiring new employees, rewarding or punishing personnel without the need for approval from the highest administrative body (board of directors);

formation and distribution of the organization's budget;

development and submission to the board of directors of plans and proposals for expanding the company's activities;

regulation of working conditions and work schedules for personnel at the enterprise.

Assistants and subordinates of the CEO

Responsibilities within the CEO position
compliance with work discipline by everyone in the organization;

strict execution of orders and instructions from the company's senior management;

non-disclosure of confidential and commercial information;

achieving planned indicators, solving set tasks, obtaining expected results from the company's activities;

generation of reports from all departments and divisions.

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