The SEO process can be complicated for multilingual sites, making it essential to accurately apply SEO techniques and requirements. Pay attention if you are thinking of internationalizing your brand or want to optimize your site for search engines.
1. A site with several languages, for the same country
Case one: when the second language is directed to an indistinct audience
In this context we are talking about at least two different languages. For example, you start a software solutions company in Chile and you want to attract some of the English-speaking tourists residing in that country, regardless of which country they are from (they can come from England, France or Australia, for example). Therefore, a viable option would be:
– Since your current domain ending in .cl will contain mostly Spanish content, you will create a subfolder to add the English information you need. That is, it will look something like:
– You use an hreflang tag in your website template, which will help create an English version of your content. Here’s how to do it:
After the <head> tag, place the hreflang code:
In this case, “en” indicates the language you will use for your campaigns, which is English. Each language code uses only two letters, for example “fr” for French, “it” for Italian, etc.
Case two: when the second language you use must be directed to a specific country
Going back to the previous example, imagine that you want to target the content you create to a specific audience, in this case from England. This scenario requires much more precise targeting than with an hreflang tag, so you can opt for:
– Acquire another ccTLD domain for this new page, in this case it would be . This ending clearly specifies the country and type of audience to which the information is directed, therefore, the task will be to create original content for this website, or to translate the content of the page into Spanish.
Create content in different languages for SEO positioning
2. A multilingual site for a floating audience
In this case, your SEO strategy will go one step further, as your site will contain information in several languages, but the second of them aims to capture an international market, regardless of the country they come from.
You want to position your company among the English-speaking public, regardless of whether they read you in South Africa, Canada or the United States. Therefore, the techniques to use will be:
– Again add an hreflang tag, like the one in the first point, to specify the desired language.
– The website hosting must be located in the brand’s country, without the need to contract international hosting. In this case, it will be Chile.
– It is also advisable to add subfolders in English to the main domain. In addition, it is very important to include sources in that language from high authority sites in your niche ( link building ).
3. A website with multiple languages, for multiple countries
This is definitely the most complicated scenario for SEO positioning . For exampl chairman email database e, your company creates content in Spanish, English, French and Italian for the entire audience in Latin America, North America, Europe and Oceania. Some of the recommendations are:
– Have a generic domain, such as .com or .net, to make all subsequent changes based on this version.
– A default country and language, for example, Chile and Spanish, perfectly defined.
– Subfolders for each country, as follows:,,, .
– Below these subfolders, another one will be added to indicate the language. For example, you have content for the Australian public in Spanish and also in English. The 2 language subfolders will be: and .
– Don’t forget to link quality sources in your respective content, according to the language(s) of your site.
Creating content in multiple languages is a task that requires precision, technical knowledge, and important decisions that will impact your SEO strategy . Therefore, you must clearly define your objectives, the audience and country you will target, the type of content you will create, as well as the translation method you will use, before you begin optimizing your site.
How to create content in different languages for SEO positioning
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