As a rule, employees themselves get upset when problematic situations arise at work, and the sight of a dejected boss makes their condition even worse.
Unjustified kindness
As an example, we can cite a common situation when a manager understands that an employee is not quite suitable for his team, but gives him more and more chances to prove himself. If such a specialist is not suitable for solving the tasks provided for by a certain position, then, by leaving him in the team, the manager harms the company, and the specialist himself, since he deliberately pushes him to failure.
Unjustified kindness
According to statistics, a new instagram database employee needs 2 to 4 months to adapt to the organization and produce valuable results. In addition, studies have shown that specialists demonstrate maximum productivity in the period from the 2nd to the 4th year of work in the company. The total costs of recruiting a middle manager, taking into account the search, adaptation, wages, tax deductions, and inevitable mistakes, are equal to 8 or even 10 months' salary. If we are talking about TOP-level specialists, the costs increase to 2 years' salary!
Urgent delegation
An example of such a managerial mistake can be the fact of handing over his affairs to his deputy the day before going on vacation. As a result, upon returning from vacation, such a manager is guaranteed to have to "clean up" the accumulated issues. It is necessary to make it a rule to draw up a vacation schedule at the beginning of the calendar year. Even if some changes are made to it in the process, a situation will definitely not arise when all sales managers or department heads are absent at the same time.
In addition, it is necessary that 2 weeks before the planned vacation, each employee writes a report to his immediate supervisor, indicating which duties and to whom are transferred for the specified time, in order to avoid problems in the work of the organization.
Demanding results without being sure that the subordinate has understood the task
Some bosses don't bother to make sure their subordinates understand what they're supposed to do. Then they try and fail to get the job done when the employee doesn't understand it. This is always difficult, especially when it comes to productive employees.
The mistakes listed in this section are more typical of young managers. They are unacceptable for experienced managers, and if this does happen, it means that the boss is completely immersed in solving operational issues and has not built a clear management system.