A typical conversation with a potential SEO client:
I want my site to get to the TOP.
For what queries?
Why are you asking me? Just bring the site to the TOP so that I am in the top positions.
Don't understand what's wrong with this dialogue? Then the the benefit of our ios database next part is for you.
What are these search queries?
Let's say your company "Leader" sells doors in Voronezh. You know that there is some SEO promotion that will give you more clients, and you want to be among the first in the TOP. Excellent plan, keep it up!
Now imagine that you are a potential client of the company "Leader" who wants to buy doors in Voronezh and is trying to do it online. What will you do? Most likely, you will enter something like this in the search bar of Yandex or Google:
buy doors in Voronezh
Or it could be like this:
doors Voronezh where to buy
Not sure how to choose correctly? Then the query will be:
how to choose doors
You can probably suggest another 5-10 different wording options. But why guess when there are real statistics. You can see them right now in Yandex's special Wordstat service , which collects all Internet user queries.
For example, here are the wording and additional words of real people who searched in the Yandex search engine for “ buy doors in Voronezh ”:
The service has a second column with similar wording that may also be relevant to your topic.
The main task is to make sure that the user who enters the queries he is interested in regarding the service sees your site in the first positions. Use these real queries to attract potential clients to your site.
We hope that now the question “What queries do you want to promote?” has become clearer to you

Where can I get these queries for promotion?
Using the Yandex Wordstat service , which we already mentioned above, you can collect a list of similar phrases for your queries. How to do it correctly:
First, write down the words you use yourself. You can probably give an example of 5-10 phrases that customers might use to search for you.
Next, add each of these phrases to Wordstat and collect all variations of each specific phrase.
Then take all the similar phrases and collect similar ones in the same way.
This painstaking work can take several hours of your time. Keep in mind that you need to collect and group all the resulting queries by meaning in a separate table. Perhaps, at some point you will have a feeling that there is no end to this, and you do not really want to move forward.
Is it possible to collect queries quickly and effortlessly?
Of course. Today, you can find dozens of services that automatically collect user queries. They are usually not free, so they are not always cost-effective for running a single project. Such services are more suitable for agencies that are constantly engaged in search engine promotion and share the costs of collecting the core among all projects in progress.
How to work with services:
you specify a list of phrases that you have come up with;
the program collects all variations of phrases and similar phrases;
then the service collects all variations of phrases for each similar phrase to the one found in the previous step;
You can add a list of negative words (for example, “abstract”, since this is not your audience) so that the service excludes them from the results.
The collected semantic core includes on average from 800 to 5000 words that need to be “cleaned” and grouped into logical sections.
If you have any difficulties already at this stage, use the services of professionals. Our studio is engaged in collecting the semantic core, using the reliable KeyCollector service for this. You can find out more about the price on the page with the description of tariffs .
What to do with the chosen words?
Once you have successfully collected phrases, you need to select in a separate group those that will lead to the greatest effect when promoted.
But first, let's figure out what to do with phrases that include your company name.
Once, “Company X” approached us with a price list for work from an agency that promised to quickly and efficiently promote a website to the TOP. There was a rather impressive amount for the work and a list of key phrases that specialists would use to promote the website. Among others, we noticed requests like “Company X Vologda”, which made us wary.
If you were sent a commercial proposal with the same keys, slow down the discussion of the contract and make sure once again that they do not want to deceive you. For queries related to your company, you are already in the TOP, if your site is open for indexing (i.e. shown by search engines) and your name is at least a little unique. If search engines do not see your site, ask the developers why.
As a rule, no additional work is needed to promote branded queries. This means that the CP is simply trying to trick you and attribute work to themselves that they will not actually do.
What is important to consider for other queries in the core:
1. Request frequency. Shows how often users ask for these words in the region in which you plan to promote. Keep in mind: the wider the region, the higher the competition. In Wordstat, in each line with a request, you will see the number of “impressions”, i.e. how many times the results for these requests were shown. This data will show which search phrases will bring more visitors to your site.
We use the indicator “Transition forecast when entering the TOP-10” to forecast not only the number of impressions, but also the click forecast. The KeyCollector service we chose allows us to collect more accurate data.
2. Seasonality of demand. Usually, systems show demand only for the last month. Therefore, this data will not be relevant if you are currently not in season. You may decide that there is no demand, although in other months your goods/services are searched for many times more actively.
Wordstat allows you to view demand by month to assess the dynamics of demand throughout the year. For example, the query curve for the title " buy doors in Voronezh " clearly shows that door buyers are actively looking for offers from August to December.