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Post by shammis606 »

If you think that Tough Viking Russia , in which Sinaps participated in 2016, is a crazy race, then you have not heard of the SLON conference. This is a large-scale event, for which we have been preparing for several months. In the end, our work was highly appreciated by guests, speakers and other organizers. So, what is the Internet marketing conference with the impressive name SLON?

Who organized "Slon"?
It is difficult to make an event interesting without the help of organize your finances with mint reliable partners. The Regional Center for Entrepreneurship Support made a significant contribution as a co-organizer of the conference. We thank the RCPS and know that you can always rely on such a partner!

Almost all employees of the Sinaps company participated in the preparation, so everyone deserves gratitude. Even fatigue and unhealthy sleep did not prevent us from jointly creating one of the coolest conferences in Vologda in 2017.

Preparatory part
Any preparation starts with planning. We had a clear mind map, according to which we distributed responsibilities among departments. But can everything go according to plan? :)

Program and speakers
The most important part of the conference is the speakers who share their experience and knowledge. And two people know where to find 15 people ready to speak on various topics of Internet marketing: Lyubov Politsyna and Maria Metenkanich. The heads of departments coped with the task perfectly. Thanks to them, representatives of companies from Vologda, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg and Moscow participated in the event. Even Yandex came!

But it wasn't just the speakers who demanded attention. The round table, the section leaders - all these issues had to be resolved in the shortest possible time. How the girls managed to do everything is known only to them.

Information support
"What file sharing service do you use?" - it's hard to find a person who hasn't watched this parody of a Skype ad. The task of those responsible for the information support block is to create the same kind of buzz around the conference. And believe me, it's not easy.

Landing, VKontakte group, Facebook meeting, Instagram creation and subscriber search are just the tip of the iceberg. After the project was launched, it was necessary to fill these channels with useful information. And to do this constantly in order to retain the target audience. In general, there was a lot of work, but Anya Dashkova, Ksenia Belyaeva and Nastya Sirotkina did everything in the best possible way.

PR and attraction
Lyuba Naboka, Alina Vorobyova and Dasha Gorenkova showed how to attract the public with the help of advertising effectively and quickly. They were engaged in targeting, advertising in social networks and even cold calling of clients. All this certainly bore fruit and helped to gather more than 100 participants for the conference.

The exhibition space is a separate topic. Slava, Anya B., Sasha M. and Arina were appointed responsible for the exhibition. The guys' main task was to arrange the exhibition blocks, find partners for the exhibition and prepare the technical part. For this purpose, they decided to go and measure the footage of each block allocated for the exhibition on the spot. The subsequent search for partners also took a lot of time. At the exhibition itself, one could see stands of representatives of CRM systems , Bitrix, the Etazhi business laboratory and the Frost stop motion studio multimedia and sound recording studio .
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