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Exported By The like

Post by AnamikaSA60 »

Before the viceroyalty? READ What is the weather near Ecuador? The main economic activities of the viceroyalty were mining, agriculture corn, cocoa and other products originating from ancient Mesoamerica, livestock introduced by the Europeans, who brought most of the animals raised and trade limited only to the possessions Who collected taxes in the Viceroyalty? Taxes were the most important branch of income that the colonies contributed to the Spanish Treasury, and they were collected either directly by royal officials, corregidors or caciques, or indirectly by encomenderos. How do you get laborers to work on farms? The peones acasillados lived.

Permanently on the hacienda and their income came from the salary rcs database to them by the landowner, from a small plot of land that the landowner gave them on which they hardly planted, from the corn ration that was given to them and from the right to graze animals within the hacienda. How much is a real worth in New Spain? Currency and monetary circulation in New Spain in the 18th century READ How are free fatty acids determined? FACIALS MARCOSMONEDAS Two reales 662.35222.519.968 A real 255.81617.395.488 Real average 418.86456.965.504 14 of a real 1.291351.152 What products were obtained from.

Economic activities? Wood, fibres, resins and extracts can be obtained from it for the manufacture of paper, furniture and various objects that the secondary sector transforms. Industry. It is any activity that transforms raw materials and produces goods or services in an economy. What were colonial farmers like? Colonial farmers did not have the large machinery that we have today. Instead, they had to rely on human hands as well as animals to help plant crops. Both oxen and horses were used to make plows, and family members and slaves did all the harvesting by hand. What is colonial agriculture?.
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