If entrepreneurship is an art, what kind of artist are you?

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If entrepreneurship is an art, what kind of artist are you?

Post by bitheerani319 »

We bring you the ultimate quiz to find out what kind of art you are making with your business and what kind of artist you are. Because at Holded Magazine we believe that expressing a vision, a desire or an idea through a company is art.
Today we can consider art more as an activity than as a concrete product. We are in the era of art without artwork.

Honestly, the first thing to say about this topic is that it is a much more jamaica phone number list concept to define than the results of a simple Google search. In Ancient Greece, artists were considered creative people and their works were what was known as art. In this post-pandemic era that we live in, creations are everywhere and the process has become more abstract.

What the past and the present do have in common is that they agree that art, whether it is an activity or not, should serve to express something: ideas, emotions, desires or a vision of the world.

So if you are expressing your vision and your ideas with the business you have created, you are making art and with these three quizzes we want to show you what kind of artist you are.
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