When making major personnel changes, you should act methodically, adhering to the main stages of personnel planning.
Stage 1. Assessing business development prospects
Personnel decisions should be made taking into account the company's strategic goals and help achieve them in a short time. Goals may include expansion or, on the contrary, reduction of production, creation of new branches, improvement of service quality.
Step 2: Forecasting labor requirements
The required number of personnel stockholder database with a certain qualification, jobs, and job positions that will be required to achieve the company's goals is calculated.
Step 2: Forecasting labor requirements
Source: shutterstock.com
The influence of external factors must be taken into account. They can have both a positive and negative impact on business processes. If a shortage of personnel is expected, it is necessary to determine the source of labor resources in advance.
Step 3. Evaluation of internal labor resources
HR specialists evaluate the labor resources that the company currently has. A decision is made on personnel changes and the hiring of additional specialists. At this stage, information is collected on wages, allowances, and other payments.
Step 4: Develop a plan
Personnel planning is a methodical work that the personnel department carries out in accordance with the tasks set by the management. First of all, tasks are distributed according to the degree of importance and the activities necessary for their implementation are prescribed. The deadlines for their implementation are outlined.
Then they compile income and expense items for carrying out personnel work activities and form a budget, which is agreed upon with the management. If necessary, they carry out work to optimize costs.
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