This is an important skill in developing the competencies of a modern manager. To ensure the growth of the team, it is necessary:
allocate funds for staff development;
draw up a personal development plan for employees;
reward subordinates for successful work;
help in resolving conflict situations;
talk to employees teacher database and ask what qualities they want to develop;
trust the team, assign complex tasks;
share opinions on solving any problems.
Team focus
Jeffrey Liker and David Mayer, "Talented Employees";
Vladimir Mozhenkov "TEAM GEN. How to build a successful business with your employees";
Joan Goldsmith and Kenneth Klock, "Time to Wake Up: Effective Methods for Unleashing Employee Potential";
Konstantin Maltsev "Valuable Personnel. How to Build an Effective Training System in a Company";
Eric Parslow and Melville Leedham, Coaching and Mentoring.
How to achieve multiple growth in traffic and sales from your website?
Alexey Boyarkin
Dmitry Svistunov
Head of SEO and Development
Read more posts on my personal blog:
I have always been concerned about the issue of moving to a fundamentally new level. So that the indicators would grow not by 2 or 3 times, but by several orders of magnitude. From a thousand visits to ten thousand or from ten thousand to a hundred thousand, if we are talking about a website, for example.
And I know that such leaps are always the result of painstaking work in five areas:
Technical condition of the site.
Collection of site semantics.
Creating useful content.
Working on conversion.
And at the same time, every manager needs an increase in sales and the number of applications from the site at the moment.
To get this growth, download our step-by-step template for increasing sales from the site:
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This is a way of assigning various tasks to staff. This skill is required to build business processes, and at first glance it seems that everything is very simple, but there are nuances.
It is not enough to simply tell an employee that he must prepare a report or conduct an analysis of the results of an advertising campaign.
An effective manager's responsibilities include the ability to convey ideas and check whether the subordinate has understood the assignment correctly. Otherwise, micromanagement will arise, which will reduce the director's effectiveness to zero.
You need to be able to analyze your employees' skills and find their strengths, based on which you will delegate and distribute tasks. For this purpose, you can conduct competency talks and practical testing.
To effectively delegate tasks, you need to:
be able to assess the skills of subordinates and identify their strengths;
conduct an analysis of employee workload;
explain tasks clearly;
clarify how the employee understood the assignment and explain again if there are any inaccuracies;
set specific and achievable deadlines;
offer help if the employee cannot do something;
evaluate work objectively and praise staff for their achievements.
Brian Tracy "Delegation and Management";
John Tscholl "Real Empowerment: Employee Autonomy as the Key to Success";
Kate Keenan "Delegation of Authority";
Maria Urban "Success through other people's hands. Effective delegation of authority";
Laura Stack, “Faster Together: 12 Principles of Team Effectiveness.”