SMART Methodology

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SMART Methodology

Post by Maksudasm »

Used to formulate a precise goal that must then be broken down into individual elements. The method involves drawing up a plan by overcoming five steps.

S — specific. The goal must be clear and realistic. Abstract formulations like “get rich” are unacceptable; precise indicators are needed: “open an online copywriting school and return the investment in 8 months.”

M — measurable. The plan should specify the exact deadlines and results of solving individual tasks, predict the probable profit and indicate the necessary expenses. For example, the owner of an online school is going to recruit two groups of 30 people in the first month.

A — attainable. In addition why purchase dentist database from us to desire and confidence in the success of the project, the business owner must have the appropriate knowledge and skills. He must set realistic goals to achieve and understand how to achieve the expected results.

R — relevant. When planning, you should proceed from the task's compliance with the current business needs. It is optimal when each step is aimed at increasing revenues, while useless actions such as reporting are not included in the plan.

T — time based (time limit). Setting specific deadlines for solving current business problems allows you to control the process and achieve the desired results.

The advantage of the SMART methodology is that it is actively used, including by such giants as Forbes and LinkedIn.

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Services for visualizing decomposition
You can break down the main goal into separate tasks using paper and pen, but it is much more effective to use special editors, thanks to which you can involve other team members in the decomposition.

LucidChart is a powerful tool for creating diagrams and mind maps. It allows you to import information, link data from tables, and establish relationships between elements.

XMind is a visualization program that allows you to manage access, use ready-made templates and create your own. is a free program that provides group access to tasks, with the ability to export to popular formats and a large number of templates.

MindMeister is a service for organizing brainstorming sessions, creating notes and presentations. It provides access to maps for all team members, export to documents of several formats, and provides ready-made templates.

MindJet Mindmanager is a specialized program designed for working with mind maps and equipped with various visualization tools.

Miro (RealTimeBoard) is an online board with a lot of useful functions, one of which is creating mind maps.

Microsoft Visio is a professional editor for creating diagrams, drawings, and can be used to describe production and business processes.
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