Segment your customers

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Segment your customers

Post by suhasini523 »

If you want to increase the relevance of your messages, you can segment your customers based on their purchasing behavior. Fortunately, MailChimp makes this task easy for you: when you connect your store, your customers' purchasing data is automatically synchronized with your MailChimp list.

The tool then creates pre-built segments of your leads (first-time and loyal) so you can quickly target them with just a few clicks.
If you're worried about maintaining them manually, don't worry — Mailchimp updates these segments automatically.

How to set up MailChimp
The first thing you need to do is create an account, if you don't have one already. With the MailChimp email service, you can use the free version and it will only take a few minutes to sign up.


Create and configure your mailing list
Once you’ve gone through the signup process, you’ll argentina whatsapp resource end up on a page that says “Get started with MailChimp in 3 easy steps.”
Next, let’s create a basic mailing list so you can see how it works.
Log in to MailChimp, and follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the Lists link, click on it, and then click “Create List.”dashboard mail chimp

Step 2: Give your list a name, a default name (the email name appears by default), a default reply email (the address that will receive replies, if anyone chooses to do so), and a reminder of how people signed up for your list. Enter any other information you want and click Save.

Step 3: Now that you've created your list, you're ready to create a signup form. Click on your list name to enter the Settings list. Then, click on Signup Forms.

Step 4: Select the General Forms option. This is where you'll select the fields you want to collect for MailChimp. Once you've created all the fields you want, you'll be able to import your form into Web Form Builder.

Create and configure your registration form

Now, create your subscription form… it’s very simple!

First you must choose one of the three options that Mailchimp offers you:

General forms: This is a general form, used to create a capture page. If you choose this option, you will get a link that you can publish on your blog.

Embedded forms: This type of form generates an HTML code, which you can insert into your website or blog. You can use a plugin like Magic Action Box or a text widget to easily insert it. With a visible form on your blog, your newsletter subscriptions will skyrocket.

Form integrations: Integrate your form in WordPress.

After choosing the form, it is time to configure it. For this you also have three options:

Build it : Allows you to choose the fields you want the user to fill out. You will also have the option to upload an image or change the default text for each field.

Design it : In this section you can choose the colors of the buttons according to the colors of your site or brand. Choose the size and font for your form.

Translate it : This function is used to customize the default translations.
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