These are nothing more than links that redirect to other subpages or blog posts within the same site . Although it sounds trivial, you need to know that they carry really significant value and can help you reach new audiences.
The main advantages of using properly thought-out (!) internal linking are:
transferring reputation between addresses - with its help you can slightly improve the results of the next subpage in this respect!
adding more value to the article - if you discuss a topic in your text, and you already have another entry on your website that refers to the issues mentioned briefly, this is an ideal opportunity to refer users to it, so that after reading both, they have complete knowledge; this type of action makes the content even more valuable and provides a much greater amount of useful information than in the case of omitting internal links in the content,
easier navigation, i.e. greater comfort for readers - using internal linking is a great convenience in terms of UX, because you can immediately send them to another related content that they do not have to search for on your website,
extending the time users spend using your website - using this type of procedure is also a chance to interest them in the next text, and as a result, they will stay on the website a bit longer and convert; it is worth mentioning that the time that recipients spend using your website can have a positive impact on search engine positioning,
better SEO results - internal linking has a positive impact on the indexing process of specific subpages on your website - it is a kind of help for Google robots, which may pay off in terms of positioning; it is worth mentioning Topical Authority here , i.e. a factor informing how complete a source of knowledge on a given topic a given website is - well-thought-out linking may prove helpful in achieving higher results in this matter.
So, as you can see, it is definitely worth sending readers to other pages within your website , and what's more, we recommend placing at least one internal link in every article you write.
What should an internal link look like to be as valuable as possible to your website?
Now we will move on to a slightly more practical part, in which we will show you how to make your linking bring the best results . First of all, you need to remember that unlike link building , which is comprehensively described in another article on our blog, here it is worth using only one type of link, and that is an anchor containing a keyword phrase. This is the method that will bring you the best results in terms of SEO. Below is an example:
Linking example
We distinguish several types of anchor texts in links, these are:
exact match - contain exactly the words we want to position the page we are linking to; if you want to place a link to a page discussing the topic of 5 tools for copywriters, the anchor should look like this: “5 tools for copywriters”,
partial match - they contain dependent phrases or part of a keyword phrase, but are uruguay telemarketing data not its perfect representation; example: "5 tools for content creation automation",
phrase match - a combination of the two previously mentioned methods, usually containing long-tail phrases or a keyword phrase in a broader sense; example: "Discover 5 tools for copywriters to create posts in social media",
brand anchor - a link with the brand or domain name leads to the address; example: “RekinySukcesu”,
naked URL - just a clean link without any additions,
zero match (generic) - these are all anchors that call for an action, for example "click here", "check now", etc.,
image - redirects to a given subpage from an image.
For our part, we recommend using exact match anchors in the vast majority of cases, but if another type is more natural for UX reasons, it is definitely worth using it.
What is also worth remembering is that it is not worth repeating the same address on one page, because Google robots will only take into account one of them, so it does not make much sense.
Remember that the ideal internal link should send the reader to content that complements the knowledge gained in the article . If you’re writing about how to create posts on social media, for example, it might be a good idea to link to an article about what’s new on Instagram or about the possibilities of advertising on Facebook. Thematic connection is absolutely essential!
Why stick to one topic?
First of all, because consistent clusters in terms of phrases and references to similar text have a positive impact on the previously mentioned Topical Authority coefficient , and a high result will improve the positioning of the article in the search engine, thanks to which you will gain new readers.
How many internal links is best to place in an article?
There is no clear answer to this question - a lot depends on its length, of course. For our part, we recommend that it should be about 2 to 10 internal links , but you have to be guided here by common sense.
What are rotating internal links in SEO and is it worth using them?
A solution that is often used in larger websites (though of course not only) are rotating links - they are displayed to users selectively: for example, a pool of 50 links is divided into 5 and they are displayed on the page alternately. It looks like this, for example:
Rotational linking example
In rotation, we do not clog the page with hundreds of links, only a few in a block, so they have greater power in terms of transferring reputation - this means that sometimes it is a good solution.
Does it make sense to use rotational links?
Here, a lot depends on the purpose and where they are placed. In general, this should not replace the internal linking we wrote about earlier (i.e. referring to a thematically linked entry), but if it makes sense from a business perspective, it is definitely possible to use such a solution.
Interestingly, larger sites often use rotating links to allow new batches of large URLs to get indexed (once they do, they drop out of the pool).
Internal linking can really benefit you!
If you regularly write blog posts, using internal linking in accordance with our recommendations for better SEO results may be a great solution for you in terms of achieving . Remember, first and foremost, to offer the reader content that covers a given topic as broadly as possible and is at the same time complete.
Guide - How and Why Internal Linking Is Worth It? Everything You Need to Know!
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