Switching from active to passive in English: exercises to practice

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Switching from active to passive in English: exercises to practice

Post by bitheerani319 »

Are you still having trouble switching from active to passive in English? Don't worry, this is just a matter of practice. We have a few exercises for you to polish your skills in forming sentences in the passive. If you need to, review them before you start.

Fill in the gaps
To begin, put the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the malta phone number list provided. You will find the answers at the end.

The cat was __________________ (save) by the fireman.
The boys were _________________ (surprise) by the loud noise.
The speaker was ____________ (invite) by the university.
The burglar was _____________ (see) by a neighbor.
The hen was ________________ (eat)by a fox.
The representative was ______________ (choose) by the board of directors.
Active to passive
Let's make it a little more difficult. Try changing these active sentences into passive sentences. Remember to put the direct object (marked in bold) of the active sentence at the beginning and don't forget to respect the verb tenses . The subject of the active sentence (underlined) can be omitted or placed after a by . Correct your answers when you finish by looking at the final section.

Our cat killed the bird .
The teacher will not correct these exams .
The company might not hire my brother .
Underage kids should not watch that film .
A man called Francesco Rampazetto invented one of the first typewriters in 1575.
The Puritan government banned Christmas in Massachusetts in 1659.
Make your own sentences
Finally, a slightly more complex exercise: we give you vocabulary ideas so that you can form your own sentences. Based on the passive structures you already know, form your own sentences with the words below.

You'll need to identify which words fit where, so pay attention! You'll quickly get the hang of it. There are examples of solutions at the end, but there are more possible solutions.
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