Distributors risk becoming lost in irrelevance.

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Distributors risk becoming lost in irrelevance.

Post by Md5656se »

When you try to be someone else and you are not someone else because you do not have their resources or their mentality, you run the risk of being left halfway, you are not the other but you are not yourself either, that is dying of irrelevance.

You have to choose your battles well, you have to use market insight tools well, but above all, you have to have a differentiating strategy since the purchasing decision is different depending on the type of consumer.

Some value the price and the offer, others opt for the guarantee, security and after-sales service.

Therefore, you must choose your battles carefully when defining an e-commerce strategy, otherwise you run the risk of becoming irrelevant.

To choose your battles well, you need to analyze the market. I don't mean doing a one-time market study, but rather continuous monitoring of your competitors.

Internal analytics data is no longer enough to compete in the new landscape; it is external data that offers added value. Now we need to keep our eyes open to what our competitors offer in terms of prices, services, content, etc.

Jordi Ordonez
Jordi Ordonez

E-commerce / Amazon consultant, speaker and trainer

One of the peculiarities of the e-commerce sector in Spain is the mess we have at the logistical level: products arrive late or never arrive at all, damaged or mixed with others.

Recently, I was at a conference where a logistics expert, Carlos Zubialde, commented that 3 out of 10 e-commerce orders are never delivered.

This means that out of a million orders, around 300,000 will never reach the hands of consumers.

And they are not delivered only because of problems with logistics companies (delays, theft, damage to products or delays in delivery times), but also for reasons related to buyers (they are not at home or they do not pay refunds when orders are delivered).

If our market were more mature, these numbers would be reduced but unfortunately, this is our reality.

Most Spanish companies are not prepared to absorb such a large flow of deliveries as the large e-commerce companies (Amazon, Zalando or El Corte Inglés).

Iñaki Tovar
Iñaki Tovar

CEO of Webpositer.com, consultant in digital marketing and online strategies

Although the e-commerce sector continues to grow and improve year after year, it is still far from the level of penetration found in other countries.

Companies that sell online (except for the big players in the market) still do not take int code phone number philippines o account either SEO or CRO.

The average conversion rate in our country is around 1%, a figure that drops if visits come from mobile devices, which currently attract 60% of total traffic.

Small online stores suffer from a variety of problems, from designs based on outdated templates to loading speed issues.


To make matters worse, only a handful of companies work with the credibility and trust offered by quality seals, personalized photos and content appropriate for the target audience they seek to attract.

The major flaws we have detected in terms of traffic acquisition are related to the inappropriate use of AdWords or Facebook Ads (campaigns poorly optimized in terms of both objectives and segmentation).

When it comes to SEO, beyond basic website optimization, retailers often neglect common issues such as duplicate content, keyword cannibalization, page indexing, and overall website architecture.

The Spanish e-commerce sector continues to grow thanks to the fact that setting up an online store is apparently simple, fast and inexpensive, which encourages many to embark on an e-commerce adventure.

However, only those who work on positioning from the beginning and invest in improving consumer acquisition and loyalty will increase their profitability month after month.

International Ecommerce - USA

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