The business industry has now entered a new chapter with digital transformation as the main actor, especially in the last two years, where the Covid-19 pandemic has been a major blow to business people.
Many business industries are being pushed and forced to go online if they want to survive amidst the crisis, this seems to be in line with changes in people's shopping behavior who are now increasingly comfortable with online shopping.
Unfortunately, some business people are too reckless in list of iran cell phone numbers carrying out digital transformation in their business. They seem to "stutter" and sometimes think short-term when doing it, so that the digital transformation often only adds to the burden of the business budget rather than providing a positive influence on the business.
One example is when developing a website for their business. Not a few of them actually ignore the implementation of SEO on their website, even though without SEO on a website, a website tends to have difficulty developing and competing with websites that optimize SEO as part of a digital marketing strategy.
What is SEO?
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a series of methods used to optimize a website, thereby increasing the visibility of the website in search engine results, such as Google, Bing and other search engines .
SEO itself is generally divided into three methods, the first is Onpage SEO, Offpage SEO and Content SEO.
However, of the several methods, Onpage SEO has the most crucial role among the others, because it is "appointed" as the initial foundation of SEO itself, and is directly related to the development process of a website.
SEO Optimization is a Must for Business Websites
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