A collection of data related to Russia's statistics.
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Post by sohanuzzaman53 »

Data is the name given to a piece of raw real information. Data is obtained by measurement, counting, experimentation, observation or research. Data collected by measurement or counting and reporting a numerical value are called quantitative data, and data that does not report a numerical value are called qualitative data.

In recent years, big data is one of the concepts that people saudi arabia mobile number list interested in technology frequently hear. Big data, which contributes to the growth and development of every individual using the internet, is the meaningful and processable form of data obtained from observations, research, search engines, blogs, forms, social media and many other sources.

How to Use Big Data?
Big data, in particular, makes significant contributions to companies making the right decisions and developing strategies by examining customer behavior. After the available data is made simple and processable, the relationships between these data are examined using the comparison method and the connections between them are revealed. In this way, it is possible to predict the results of the decisions to be taken. Reactions to different decisions can be seen with simulations created by changing the locations of various points in the data.


Thanks to big data analysis, organizations can accurately evaluate data based on real customer behavior and turn it into a highly beneficial tool.

The Importance of Big Data
Since big data is based entirely on the analysis of real data, it enables the right decisions to be made in many different areas such as reducing costs, spending on advertising in the right channels, saving labor, and developing products that meet expectations.

Areas of Use of Big Data
Big data can be used in every field, especially in sectors such as banking and retail, where customer behavior is very important and needs to be monitored. In recent years, the importance of big data has been understood by governments and has begun to be used in various fields. In the field of health, big data used in early diagnosis of diseases or drug development can also be used to prevent crimes or to make improvements in the education system.
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